
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Restaurant Week Rundown 2012 Part II

Hello everyone, I wanted to share my dining experience during Restaurant Week 2012 with you all as I think that the concept behind the week long event is absolutely fantastic! You get a chance to basically sample a variety of cuisine at a discounted cost and you definitely can't beat that.

Gloria's Seafood

Category: Tasty (JMD$1600)
Location: Port Royal
Type of Cuisine: Jamaican Style Seafood and Fish
Review: The bf and I hadn't planned on going to Gloria's for Restaurant Week, since we normally go on any other typical night, but friends of ours were in the mood for fish, so we basically went on a double date. We went to the restaurant located on the foreshore. I know that Gloria's typically gets really bad reviews in regards to the service, but luckily for both myself and my other girlfriend knew the waitress from childhood, so we got the 'royal treatment', so to speak. We didn't wait very long for our table and the food came out in good time. We all ordered basically the same thing; Conch Fritters, Fish and Lobster Medley, and Chocolate cake. The entree was definitely the highlight of our meal. The portion was very large and you know no one prepares steamed fish better than Gloria's, so that was delicious! However, I know of other persons who went to Gloria's during Restaurant Week and because of the bad service they received, it spoiled their experience. With that said, I would recommend the restaurant for the tasty seafood, but not for the service. (Shannon)
Rating: 4.5/5

Fish and Lobster Medley

Ristorante Baci - Wyndham Hotel

Category: Savoury (JMD$2200)
Location: New Kingston
Type of Cuisine: Italian
Review: 'Le sigh', what a disappointment! I went to Baci with a group of friends and I think we all left somewhat indifferent towards this restaurant. I think I went with such high expectations because I am a fan of Italian food, I believe it's one cuisine where you can't really go wrong. For my appetizer I had the Calamari Fritti, which was very good. My main course was the Chicken Parmesan which for me was 'blah'; I didn't end up finishing it because I got bored mid way eating it. My bf however got the Veal Prosciutto which I tried and it wasn't too bad. For my dessert I got the Cappuccino Cheese Cake which was delicious! The service was great and the best part of the evening was the company. I would go back to this restaurant, but I would certainly order a different main course. (Shannon)
Rating: 3.5/5
Left: Veal Prosciutto |  Right: Chicken Parmesan

Cappuccino Cheesecake

South Beach Cafe

Category: Savoury (JMD$2200)
Location: 8 Lady Musgrave Road
Type of Cuisine: Fusion of Jamaican and International cuisine
Review: This was date night for me and my bf. We went there without making a reservation so we had to wait about 7 minutes for them to prepare a table for us which wasn't too bad. The hostess and the servers where very professional and did a fantastic job. I always loved the outdoor atmosphere of this restaurant, and the fact that the decor was modern and cozy made for a lovely romantic dinner for my bf and I. For my appetizer I ordered the Oakland Smoked Salmon; I was extremely shocked by the portion as it was only a bite size amount, however, it tasted really good. My bf had the  Brompton Remoulade (crab and shrimp cake) and it was just as shockingly small. For my entree I ordered the Broiled Lobster with Saffron rice; this was the best part of my meal because it was really delicious. The disappointing part again was the portion size which was very small. The dessert was the worst part of my evening. I ordered the Dulce de Leche cheese cake, and not only was it extremely small, there was nothing 'dulce' about this cheese cake; it was bland and dry; it was the worse cheese cake I have ever had in my life! With that said, I do have mixed feelings about my experience at South Beach, as my entree was delicious, but I left hungry. However, I will be going back outside of Restaurant Week to see if there is any major difference particularly in regards to the serving size. (Shannon)
Rating: 3/5

Oakland Smoked Salmon
Left: Broiled Lobster  |  Right: Medallion of Pork Tenderloin
Left: Dulce de Leche cheesecake  |  Right: Sherry Trifle
So how was your Restaurant Experience? Let us know some of the restaurants that you dined at.

Shannon xoxox

Monday 26 November 2012

Restaurant Week Run Down 2012 Part I

Hello everyone, as you all know Jamaica Restaurant Week 2012 recently ended, and being the foodies that we are, we went out to several restaurants to take advantage of the deals and steals that the participating restaurants had in store for us. This was our first year taking part in the week long event, and I think we will continue participating in years to come. With all meals you were entitled to a choice of a free cocktail which were either the Spicy Special (Schwepps Ginger ale & Appleton Rum) or the Schweet (Schwepps Grapefruit Soda & Appleton Genesis Rum), an appetizer, an entree, dessert, as well as a cup of steaming hot Cafe Blue coffee...what more could you ask for! Normally a three course meal with drinks will run you way more than what these restaurants charged, but prices were severely slashed. We of course couldn't forget about you guys so here are our mini reviews on the food/experience we had during Restaurant Week 2012...

Saffron Indian Cuisine

Category: Savoury (JMD$2200)
Location: Market Place
Type of Cuisine: predominantly Indian cuisine
Review: The menu selection was of course based around typical Indian cuisine such as curry and tikka masala. I am some what unfamiliar with certain Indian cuisine, but as long as I saw shrimp on the menu that was what I chose :) I had the shrimp in plum sauce with assorted chicken tikka, the noni curry shrimp with jasmine rice and naan(a type of unleavened bread), and vanilla ice cream with lychee. Everything was delicious and authentically prepared, the curry with coconut milk was superb and I love butter naan so that was just the icing on the cake. At first I was a bit appalled with the portion of the appetizer but my eyes were obviously bigger than my stomach because the portion sizes were perfect and extremely filling. The restaurant had both indoor and patio dining areas and it also had a contemporary decor and cozy atmosphere which I liked, but the only negative was the placement of our table which was near the kitchen door, and I didn't appreciate being bumped over by the swinging door or having to make sure that I was not in the way if I decided to go to the bathroom. I would recommend this restaurant if you were looking to try out some authentic Indian cuisine, the food is flavourful and well presented and the staff is attentive and quick on their feet :).
Rating: 4/5

Left: Shrimp in Plum Sauce with Assorted Chicken Tikka | Right: Noni Curry Shrimp

Jimmy's Grill House

Category: Tasty (JMD$1600)
Location: 5 Trinidad Terrace, New Kingston. Across from Quad Nightclub
Type of Cuisine: Jamaican fusion
Review: I never noticed this restaurant prior to this, but it was neatly tucked away in its own little nook in New Kingston. It was a girl's night out so the fact that the ambiance/vibe of this outdoor restaurant was quiet and mellow was great because we could chit chat and amuse ourselves without any unwanted interruptions. Shannon and I ordered the marinated chicken kebabs, fettucine-a-la-vodka (mine with shrimp and Shannon had chicken), and Miss B’s Sweet Potato Pudding with coconut ice cream and our friend Krystle had the pepperpot soup, the smothered grilled pork chop and the tropical lemon sorbet with fruits. These all sound scrumptious right? and they were all well presented but my chicken kebab initially came out a bit raw, but they happily replaced it and Krystle's soup was just blah (for the lack of a better word). The portioned amount of my entree was definitely filling but the fettucine could have been a bit more flavourful to be honest and Krystle's pork chops were pure fat! so Shannon had to end up sharing with her. I guess the best part was the dessert but even then I was still left unimpressed with the potato pudding but Krystle enjoyed her sorbet. On a good note our waitress Krystle (yes she has the same name as our friend) was very friendly and attentive. I wouldn't go back to the restaurant to dine, but maybe just to have drinks.
Rating: 2.8/5

Left: Marinated Chicken Kebabs | Right: Pepperpot Soup

Left: Fetuccine-A-La-Vodka | Right: Smothered Grilled Pork Chop

Left: Miss B's Sweet Potato Pudding w/ Coconut Ice Cream | Right: Tropical Lemon Sorbet w/Fruits

East Japanese

Category: Tasty (JMD$1600)
Location: Market Place
Type of Cuisine: Japanese cuisine and sushi bar
Review: This was date night for me and the bf and East Japanese is one of our favourite restaurants to go to because we are definite sushi lovers. We both ordered the miso soup and salad, the only negative is that our ginger salad dressing was very bland in comparison to what they normally serve. I had the sushi platter and it was perfect and fresh just how I like it and the bf ordered the teriyaki chicken which he loved, we did notice however that for Restaurant Week they kind of skimped out on little things such as not providing me with the typical sushi accompaniment of sliced ginger and wasabi and the presentation of the teriyaki chicken was not as flamboyant as we're used to, but nevertheless the entrees tasted great. We also ordered an extra Philadelphia roll which was DELICIOUS. Unfortunately for dessert we were left with only green tea ice cream, and I realised after the first bite why all the vanilla ice cream was done :) Despite some of the misses I would definitely recommend this restaurant if you want to try sushi or if you're an aficionado like myself. I  previously did a more in depth review on the restaurant here if you like to take a look.
Rating: 4/5

Left: Miso Soup & Salad w/Ginger Dressing | Right: Sushi Platter & Teriyaki Chicken

Caffe da Vinci

Category: Delectable (JMD$3500)
Location: Market Place
Type of Cuisine: Italian
Review: I love anything pasta related so I was very intrigued about going to an Italian restaurant with my mother. Now we went without a reservation which was a very bad idea because we ended up waiting for about 20 minutes. The restaurant had both indoor and patio dining and it too had a a cozy and some what contemporary feeling. I ordered the lobster soup, Spaghetti all’Aragosta (spaghetti with lobster) and the Profiterol (cream filled pastry with chocolate sauce). My mother had the  Crostini Ortolana (basically toast with sauteed vegetables), the Grigliata di Crostacei (mixed grilled seafood), and the Profiterol as well. Now, I absolutely hate waiting for my food and waiting an additional 15-20 minutes for my appetizer made me that much more upset, the lobster soup was more like a light broth and I was not impressed at all and to make it worse my mother's appetizer was a bit cold, not a good start to the night. My entree was just ok I wish it were a little more flavourful though and I had to ask for some parmesan cheese to give it a little more kick and they did not de-shell the lobster pieces in my meal and I was not about to fight with it. My mother had a gorgeous bed of lobster and shrimp which I noticed was the popular meal of the night, but I think they should have pried it out of the shell before serving it so you didn't have to fight to get the lobster out. The dessert looked scrumptious as it was being served but it became too cloying because it was drenched in too much chocolate sauce, so we couldn't finish it. The staff and manager were very attentive and respectful but apart from that I was left a little bit discontented with my experience, I would, however, give it a second try sometime in the future.
Rating: 3.5/5

Left: Lobster Soup | Right: Crostini Ortolana

Left: Spaghetti all’Aragosta | Right: Grigliata di Crostacei

Profiterol in Chocolate Sauce

Overall it was a great experience for me was fantastic, there might have been some hits and misses at certain restaurants but that is to be expected. I implore you all to take advantage of the great discounts offered during restaurant week whenever it rolls around again :)

Have a great day guys and stay tuned for part two where Shannon shares her restaurant week experience.

Also see my review on Cocoro Restaurant here.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Casual Sophistication OOTD

This outfit was just thrown together and is best suited for a casual day out; I love denim shirts as a staple piece and added to this outfit it just screams comfy with a hint of sophistication. This top was thrifted which makes it even better and I paired it with an abstract print skirt from Forever 21. The outfit is great for our warm Jamaican weather as well.

Photographer: Sanai
 Enjoy guys!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Blogaversary Giveaway !! [CLOSED]

 Hey guys we're back and extremely pleased, happy and over the moon excited to announce that our wonderful blog will turns one today November 21, 2012. This is a great milestone for us and we figured that we would host our very first giveaway to commemorate the event, sooo here are the rules:

1. This giveaway is open to JAMAICAN RESIDENTS ONLY, sorry guys but hopefully we will be able to host international giveaways soon

2. You must be a follower of our blog and like our Facebook page (we will be checking!)

3. Be over 18 yrs old or have parental consent to enter the giveaway because we will need your address if you are chosen as the lucky winner

4. FINALLY, you will need to leave only one comment under the BLOGAVERSARY GIVEAWAY post here on our blog OR on our Facebook page stating what type of blog posts you would love to see from us.

You can begin entering in the giveaway between today Wednesday November 21, 2012 and it will close midnight Wednesday December 5, 2012. We will announce the winner on our blog and Facebook page and we will also be contacting the winner personally through his/her Facebook account afterwards. If you do not respond in 48hrs it will go to another person so be on the lookout guys!

Now the piece de resistence... THE PRIZE!!

Wanna know what's inside? check out our video below to see the goodies that we'll be giving away :)

Good luck everyone and remember to spread the word about our giveaway!!
Debbie and Shannon

Saturday 3 November 2012

Taking a Little Vacay

Hey guys we just wanted to announce that we'll be taking a short break from the blog, but not to worry it's all for a greater cause ;) stay tuned for more fun and exciting topics and in the mean time you can get acquainted with some of our older posts.

Stay safe and I'll see you soon...

Friday 2 November 2012

PSA: Restaurant Week 2012

Hello gorgeous people!! I have great news to share with you all, wanna here it? Wellllll Jamaica Restaurant Week 2012 will officially kick off on November 9 and will end on November 17. Now there are some great deals out there for the foodies and food connoisseurs alike; take a look at the official website HERE for more details on participating locations and pricing.

There will also be prizes being given away through various social networking sites, i.e. Facebook and Twitter, so you can check out the Restaurant Week Facebook or Twitter accounts  for more information on how you can cop a prize, good luck guys!!
