
Friday, 11 January 2013

Japonesque Professional Parian Spirit: Review & Demo

Hello friends! I have another product review for you as well as a little demo/how to on the Japonesque Professional Parian Spirit Brush Cleaner. I picked this up at Ulta simply because I was curious and wanted to try out a new brush cleaner. I'm very happy that I decided to get it, it works very well at cleaning, sanitizing and deodorizing my brushes, so I'm gonna give you the 411 on this product.

The brush cleaner cost USD$12.00 which is not bad seeing that you get 4.25 fluid ounces of product and some other brands of parian spirit can get pretty pricey. It's great for makeup artists on the go, the everyday girl who may not have time to always deep clean her brushes after every use, and it's excellent for travelling, as it takes the hassle out of cleaning your brushes when you're not at home. The spray nozzle makes it easy to apply the cleaner to the brushes and it has a pleasant orange scent which leaves your brushes smelling fresh. It dries very quickly (about 3 minutes) so you're ready to use your brush again almost immediately. I must note that you should still try to deep clean your makeup brushes at least once a week with soap and water since this is meant to be a quick fix for dirty brushes.

How To/Demo

Here's how well the brush cleaner works on my Real Techniques powder brush and Sigma concealer brush.

See all the makeup residue left behind?...yuck!

You will need paper towels or an actual towel, whatever you prefer and a hard surface.

For the powder brush, I lightly saturated it with the cleaner and began to swirl the brush in gentle circular motions and as you can see it works perfectly at removing powder residue from brushes.

Concealer brushes can be a little trickier to clean because liquid or cream based concealers can really stick to the bristles of your makeup brush, but with a little elbow grease it quickly dissolves the cream/liquid residue. I cleaned this brush using a zig zag motion and I applied a bit more pressure to get in between the bristles.

Now my brushes are clean, conditioned and sanitized and ready for use

I would definitely recommend this cleaner to any and everyone and I give it 2 thumbs up!

What do you think of the Japonesque Parian Spirit Brush Cleaner guys? or have you tried any other brush cleanser?


  1. real techniques brushes<333 this brush cleaner sounds amazing! ;)

    My Blog: Caught in a Daze.

    1. It definitely is great Vicky! Thanks for stopping by again!

  2. Hi,

    I am the manufacturer of Parian Spirit and unfortunately, we will no longer be supplying Japonesque with this product after January.
    They will still be carrying it until the end of the month or supplies run out. If you really like it, then get if from Parian Spirit directly. You can find out where at

    1. Thanks much for updating myself and our readers on the product, it's much appreciated :)
