
Thursday 29 March 2012

PSA: Beautiful Earth Natural Hair Haven

Hello Ladies!!

What will you be doing this weekend? Well I have a suggestion for you. I was doing some browsing over the internet and I happened to come across a really cool event that will be taking place this Saturday, March 31, 2012 and it's called The Beautiful Earth Natural Hair Haven Fashion & Mingle. Take a look at the event details below...

Beautiful Hair Haven, is actually a salon that specializes in natural hair care and styling, so whether you have locks, a TWA (Teeny Weenie Afro),  or you just need a fly hair-do check 'em out!! They also manufacture their own line of natural hair care and skincare products so no harsh chemicals, dyes, parabens and all those other things that may not be good for you are included in their products. Take a look at their website here for more info.

So even if you don't have natural hair, there will be jewelry, head pieces, and of course natural Beautiful Hair Haven skin and hair care products for you to indulge in.

Unfortunately I won't be going, but if any of you do end up going please let us know how it went!!

Until my next post friends

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